Igeneco Vision

Our goal is to help entrepreneurial companies affordably cross the chasm between having a good technology and a successful company. Many technology driven companies do not have the time or the resources to think strategically about where they want to be five years from now. Also, they do not have the people who can be dedicated to implementing that strategy. Igeneco will work with you to determine what your company should be doing and then close the sales.

It is really satisfying when the founders of a company can see their products and technology out in the marketplace. Also, the sales allow the founders to grow their company around a positive culture of innovation. The increased profitability provides the resources necessary for even bigger innovations, and the market focus we provide gives guidance on what will be important future inventions.

As your company grows, we will always have the right staff to deploy for each aspect of your sales and marketing needs. Our relationships with our clients are for the long-term. Member companies not only benefit from our support, but also obtain synergies from being part of a network of Igeneco clients. We are proud of the companies we have helped to grow, and invite you to join us.